Seems like a strange name for a craft blog, right? Well, I have always felt a little bit shy, or afraid to share my creativenss. When making something fabulous and someone compliments me, I usually play it off like it is no big deal. I have been a 'closet crafter' for too long! No more apologies! No more excuses! I love to craft and I am not ashamed!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Animals Day 3 - Safari and Masks

Today we had a Safari Hunt!  On one of my friend's private blogs, I saw her do this with her kids and knew my girls would love it!  Thanks Ruby!
I had the girls go round up all the little animals they could find.  We had everything from Little People farm animals to Webkinz, to Sea World animals that they play with in the bath!  I had them go into my room while I hid the animals all over the family room and dining room.
My little monkey even put on her monkey costume to get into the spirit of the game!
They had so much fun looking for animals!  It felt like an Easter Egg hunt!  It was great!

When we were pretty sure we had found all the animals (I am sure we will be finding little animals hiding for a while!) I had the girls sort the animals into groups ex. farm animals, pets, sea creatures, ect.
It was a good learning game, especially for my little one!

Then to clean it all up, I had them play 'toss' into the baskets.  Even this they enjoyed!  I haven't ever seen them clean up so quickly!
After our Safari, we made animal masks that I printed off of .  The girls colored them and we glued them to popsicle sticks.

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