Seems like a strange name for a craft blog, right? Well, I have always felt a little bit shy, or afraid to share my creativenss. When making something fabulous and someone compliments me, I usually play it off like it is no big deal. I have been a 'closet crafter' for too long! No more apologies! No more excuses! I love to craft and I am not ashamed!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

2nd Day of Christmas Craft

On the second day of Christmas girls made for me...

Tissue Paper Crafts!

I really wasn't trying to be lazy on the third day of my quest to do a craft a day! The girls loved making trees yesterday! When I told them it was craft time, Em went and grabbed the glue and started drawing 'spiders'. She told me she wanted to glue the papers on like we had yesterday! I figured 'What the heck?' Why try to come up with something new if they are content to make what they like?
They played with glue and paper for an hour! All I had to do was draw circles for wreaths (my only creative advice on what they should make!) and cut more squares of paper! I was able to get couple of things done while they occupied themselves! It was beautiful!

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